I want to sell a flat in Valencia, where do I start?

  • by asmcasas
  • 5 years ago
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If there is one thing that characterises the Spanish real estate market, it is the great dynamism that it imprints on its day-to-day life. Especially in a city like Valencia. The price, the location or the characteristics of our property can make the feeling of selling a flat in Valencia become a little less than an impossible mission.

For this reason, at Asmcasas we have put together a series of tips that will help you to achieve your goal. With our help, selling a flat in Valencia will be much easier. Below, everything you need to know!

Selling a flat in Valencia, how to squeeze all the possibilities out of your home?

Adapt yourself to the context of your area

In Asmcasas we have more than 20 years of experience in the city of Valencia. This allows us to have a great deal of knowledge about the characteristics that govern this property market.

Before putting your flat up for sale, it is advisable that you study the competition. Nowadays there are a lot of options on the internet that allow you to access all the information about the property from a distance.

The area is one of the most determining factors when defining a price for the property. For this reason, it is particularly important that we take into account the prices that can be found on the Internet for homes similar to ours.

Pay attention to the photographs

If you really want to sell a flat in Valencia and obtain a satisfactory transaction, it is important that you pay special attention to every detail. One of the most striking aspects is that related to the photographs of the property. 

The image that your advertisement gives off will be key to the way in which people will be interested in your property. The photographs act as the main presentation card of your flat. For this reason, it is important that you give them the importance they deserve.

The photographs are taken by a professional photography studio.  Aspects such as the light or the photographers’ ability to capture the best features of your home may increase the interest of your ad with respect to those of the competition. Investing in a professional photographer will allow you to obtain a much more satisfactory transaction.

Depersonalize your home

When a person visits a new flat they want to feel it is theirs from the first minute. Therefore, the fact that a flat is full of personal objects, photographs and different aspects that evoke that someone is living there at that moment can provoke a certain reaction of rejection.

In order to cause the best possible sensation, depersonalizing our home before publishing it for sale is one of the best options we can choose. Avoid photographs, memories of trips, pictures of the owners of the house… Try to make the visitors to your house feel like the future owners of the house from the very first moment. In this way, you will have an important advantage over the other competitors in your area!

Depersonalize your home

When a person visits a new flat they want to feel it is theirs from the first minute. Therefore, the fact that a flat is full of personal objects, photographs and different aspects that evoke that someone is living there at that moment can provoke a certain reaction of rejection.

In order to cause the best possible sensation, depersonalizing our home before publishing it for sale is one of the best options we can choose. Avoid photographs, memories of trips, pictures of the owners of the house… Try to make the visitors to your house feel like the future owners of the house from the very first moment. In this way, you will have an important advantage over the other competitors in your area!

Bet on an expert real estate agency

From Asmcasas our team of experts will get to work immediately to provide you with the best possible experience. Thanks to the fact that we are experts in the city of Valencia, and we understand perfectly the logic behind this market, we have a multitude of options to take your transaction to a higher level.

Trust our professionals when it comes to selling flats in Valencia. Come to our offices or call us and we will give you personalised attention. You can visit our FacebookInstagram and LinkedIn. Facebook profile, Instagram and LinkedIn. Also, remember that if you have any doubts, you can contact us by e-mail: info@asmcasas.com. We are waiting for you!

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