I want to sell a flat in Valencia, where do I start?

If there is one thing that characterises the Spanish real estate market, it is the great dynamism that it imprints on its day-to-day life. Especially in a city like Valencia. The price, the location or the characteristics of our property can make the feeling of selling a flat in Valencia become a little less than an impossible mission. For this reason, at Asmcasas we have put together a series of tips...

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What are your rights as a buyer?

When buying a home, different doubts come to mind with regard to various factors. What type of home can I find, how will I be able to pay for it, which area will be the most suitable or even where can I look for a home adapted to my needs. All these are important questions that need to be asked. However, we often forget another fundamental aspect: what rights do we have as a home buyer? The documentation...

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Tips for choosing your home

Finding your dream home is not easy. The process of buying a new home involves an important decision and requires buyers to be sure of their choice. For this reason, we bring you some advice for choosing your home in the form of questions that must be asked to guide us towards the optimum decision. What type of home do I need? If you are thinking of buying a house or a home, this is the first question you...

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Home staging or how to speed up the sale of your home

In view of the large number of properties offered for sale on a daily basis, the presentation of a house is essential to attract potential buyers. Especially in second-hand homes, we are not sure how we should decorate the house to attract the interest of buyers. Therefore, today we explain and give you some basic advice on decoration for the sale of your home.  The first impression usually marks the...

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